FCT International Doctoral Programme Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society - Call for applications
24-02-2014 16:30
FCT International Doctoral Programme Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society
Call for applications of 2 national PhD scholarships and 3 mixed PhD scholarships open from 15th February to 15th April de 2014
The FCT International Doctoral Programme in Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society is based on the widely recognized need to clarify the metaphysical horizons that support many of the current research programmes in natural sciences as well as in formal and human sciences. The Programme also aims to understand the impact of the scientific and technological culture in the contemporary world (ecological equilibriums, clinical practices, political experiences and aesthetical experimentation).
The Programme aims to develop an understanding of the nature, scope and limits of scientific knowledge in what it regards science’s most iconic results (material and ideal). Those facts of true knowledge are confronted with the major traditions of philosophy of science, from the more formalised models – explaining science through the analysis of its logical procedures – to the phenomenological methodologies – describing the forms of scientific conscience – including cognitive sciences. At the same time, thanks to the collaboration of experts from the areas of Law, Biomedicine, Sociology, Technology and Art, the Programme also aims to think those scientific dimensions which are not directly cognitive – for instance, those referring to the existence of scientific communities, or the forms of rationality present in contexts of procedural argumentation or clinical dialogue. Conversely, the Programme will explore the cognitive dimension of arts and technologies, where truth is materialized in artefacts and instruments.
The Programme is designed to train experts in Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society who may contribute to the development of the various forms of scientific knowledge, both at a theoretical, and at a technical or artistic level, and also to the deepening of critical awareness of the consequences of modern science and technology over our condition of humans always incomplete.
The FCT International Doctoral Programme in Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society was approved by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
Starting in the academic year 2014-2015, the Programme includes the participation of a highly specialized faculty in different areas of Philosophy, Sciences and the Arts. This Programme, directed by Professor Olga Pombo, has the participation of the following institutions:
Centro de Filosofia das Ciências [Philosophy of Science] da Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Belas-Artes [Fine-Arts] da Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências [Sciences] da Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Direito [Law] da Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Letras [Letters] da Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Medicina [Medicine] da Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto de Ciências Sociais [Social Sciences] da Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico [Engineering] da Universidade Lisboa
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica [Systems and Robotics] da Universidade Lisboa
Escola Superior de Música [Music] do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Universidade de Aveiro
Grupo de Lógica, Lenguaje e Información de la Universidad de Sevilla
The Programme received funding for 5 annual scholarships (2 national and 3 mixed), a total of 20 scholarships over the period 2014-2017.
More informations at http://phd-fctas.fc.ul.pt/