Activities - Events

Educational and Cultural Activities

For the proper operation, development and promotion of the lab, its active participation in activities with relation to its research topics is deemed necessary. Additionally, a structural element for the proper operation of the lab is the organisation of conferences, workshops and festivals that aim at the social networking and extroversion of the academic community and research to any interested parties.
In addition to the aforementioned, the primary target of the lab is the organisation of artist in residency programs from all over the world within the framework of seminars and workshops etc.
Moreover, an important aspect of the lab is the conduction of seminars, lectures and workshops that aim at the training of the teaching staff in the primary and secondary education in relation to the field of audiovisual arts and their use in the teaching process. Activities such as these will financially develop not only the city of Corfu, but also the surrounding areas as well, as they will be of a unique interest and attraction for the Greek reality. The members of the lab have invaluable experience in activities of such nature and are willing to engage further in this direction by utilising the advantages offered through the common perspective of the lab.

Participation in the Audiovisual Expression

The participation of the lab in activities of audiovisual expression entails the growing presence of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts in the creation and production field and as a result of the increased visibility of the department in the professional audiovisual field. A higher aim of the department and the lab alike is for the degree to be acknowledged nationwide and for the creation of right conditions for ensuring and absorbing the graduates in the labour markets. Additionally, by promoting the sections of production of audiovisual arts and interactive media, through research, educational and cultural activities, the lab will have more chances of participation in special programs and competitions, like the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) for the period 2014-2020.