Coalesce: Application for Interdisciplinary Residency

17-06-2016 17:30

Coalesce: Center for Biological Arts ( is a hybrid studio laboratory dedicated to enabling hands-on creative engagement with the tools and technologies of the life sciences, and is a major facet of the Genome, Environment and Microbiome Community of Excellence at the University at Buffalo. Coalesce is currently accepting proposals for Biological Art residencies. We accept 4–5 residents per academic year. A residency is active for the entire year, however actual periods in residence will vary and should be mutually agreed upon by Coalesce and the artist. We suggest a minimum of one month in planned residence and we encourage residents to stay for two or three months as residents will likely be learning many new techniques and biological experiments often require long incubation periods. Each resident will receive technical support, access to laboratory equipment, and up to $1500 in laboratory materials and supplies.

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