
Argyrokastriti Marily
Special Teaching Staff, Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University
Member of the Node for Hybrid Arts and of the Node for Artificial Intelligence & Research (NoAIR)
PhD, Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University
Marily Argyrokastriti has a degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts, Brera in Milan, Italy. She is an Art Studio Lecturer at the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University and her academic research focuses on deals with the thematic of the body in the expression and establishment of identity narrative in internet and post internet art.
Since 2001 she has been teaching drawing, painting, history of the art and applied arts in secondary education and she has taught drawing and painting at the Department of Audio & Visual Arts of the Ionian University as an Adjunct Assistant (2005-2016) and Art Studio Lecturer (2020-present). As a member of the academic staff Marily Argyrokastriti has been co-teaching within the framework of the PhD research “Communication via the Internet” with Andreas Giannakoulopoulos (academic year 2021-22) and “Philosophy & Media Aesthetics” with Dalila Honorato (academic year 2018-19) and as a member of the Pedagogical Sufficiency Program she taught “Didactics of Art” (2019-2020 and 2020-2021).
From 1996 up to 2001 she was the publisher of the local history and culture magazine EXIT and from 1991 until 2003 she was secretary of the METEIKASMA cinema club. She is the author of numerous articles on art and culture for various newspapers, magazines and art blogs on subjects of culture and gender. She is also very active in the social media that constitute a further stimulus for her artistic and academic research.
She is presently member of: Communication and Promotion Committee (AVarts) and Gender Equality Committee (IU). Previously she was a member of the: International & Public Relations - Erasmus Programme Assistant (IU), Mentorship & Internship Committee (AVarts), Board of the Social Welfare and Education Council of the Municipality of Corfu.
Within the framework of her PhD (2014-2024) entitled “Identity and Body in Internet Art: Bridging Logo/Keimeno with Eikona/Soma - The Body as Place, Space, Meaning and Agency”, with supervising committee Associate Prof. Dalila Honorato (Supervisor), Professor Ioannis Zannos and Associate Prof. Andreas Giannakoulopoulos (Members), Marily Argyrokastriti has developed research at the Interactive Arts Laboratory as a member of the Art & Science Research Group and has published:
- Conference Proceedings:
Maria Argyrokastriti (2021) “Mediated Self and Subjectification. Selfies as a Negation of Alterity - Cindy Sherman, Inti Romero and Massive Auto-Photography”, Eds. Michail Panagopoulos, Agnes Papadopoulou and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (Corfu, Greece, June 1-2, 2018), Ionian University - Department of Audio and Visual Arts (Corfu) and CEUR.WS, Vol-2811, pp. 49-55, urn:nbn:de:0074-2811-6.
Marily Argyrokastrity (2017) “Taboo and transcendence in Internet Art”, Eds. Dalila Honorato and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, Conference Proceedings Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2016, Corfu: Ionian University, pp. 465-476. ISBN: 978-960-7260-59-8.
Marily Argyrokastrity and Nikos Moschopoulos (2018) “Transcending the “Script”: Identity in Internet Art Through Deleuze and Lacan”, Eds. Dalila Honorato and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos, Conference Proceedings Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017, Corfu: Ionian University, pp. 26-32. ISBN: 978-960-7260-60-4.
- Reviewer:
2021, Technoetic Arts Journal.
- Presentations as guest-speaker:
Marily Argyrokastrity (academic year 2020-21) “Introduction to NFT artworks Theory”, in the class Designing Interfaces taught by Ioannis Deligiannis
Marily Argyrokastrity (academic year 2020-21) “NFT Artworks Practice”, in the class Applied Multimedia taught by Ioannis Deligiannis
Marily Argyrokastrity (academic year 2019-20)”The Selfie as a continuous structural manifestation”, in the class Philosophy & Media Aesthetics taught by Dalila Honorato
- Participation in conferences and festivals:
a. As panel chair:
Conference TTT2017, Session “Queer” with speakers “The issue of the post-gender and transgressive identities in contemporary Greek reality in the cinematic work of Panos Koutras” by Iakovos Panagopoulos, University of Central Lancashire (UK), “Wishful Thinking” by Louise Mackenzie, Northumbria University (UK) and “How to Use Gay Nazis in Job Interviews: Facebook, Lust and Austerity-age Horror” by Alexandros Papadopoulos, Liverpool Hope University (UK), Ionian University, 26-28 May 2017, Corfu.
b. As member of selection committees:
Movie Selection Committee, Festival ICONA 2021
Movie Selection Committee, Festival ICONA 2020
c. As member of organizing committees:
AV-School 2021
Audiovisual Arts Festival 2021, Communication and Promotion
Corfu Summer School in Hybrid Arts 2017
Audiovisual Arts Festival 2016, Communication Team
PhD research topic:
"Identity and Body in Internet Art: Bridging Logo/Keimeno with Eikona/Soma"
Supervising Committee: Dalila Honorato (Supervisor), Ioannis Zannos and Andreas Giannakoulopoulos (Members).