
Honorato Dalila
Laboratory Director - Scientific Coordinator of the Node for Hybrid Arts
Professor with scientific field: “Aesthetics with emphasis on Image Semiology”
Personal website:
Dr. Dalila Honorato defines herself as a social scientist, a facilitator of safe spaces, fostering the convergence of ideas on liminal issues within the realms of Art & Science. Her research centers on embodiment, monstrosity, the uncanny, and the acrobatic balance between phobia and paraphilia. Currently Professor in Aesthetics and Visual Semiotics at the Ionian University, Greece, she also collaborates with the Center of Philosophy of Sciences at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. As a guest speaker she counts with presences in prestigious international platforms and she has been a guest-fellow at the University of Malta, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Alma Mater Europaea - ISH.
She is the creator of the TTT conferences aka "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science" and co-founder with Marta de Menezes of the project "FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science, and Technology". She is the principal editor of the open-access TTT proceedings and co-EIC at the Technoetic Arts journal published by Intellect. At the Ionian University she is the PI of the grant Rewilding Cultures (Creative Europe 2022-2026) and previously the EMDM Art, Science and Health MA (Erasmus+ 2021-2022) where she also serves as director of the Interactive Arts Lab, head of the Master of Research (MARes) in Hybrid Arts and as member of the following Committees: Library, Gender Equality and Undergraduate Studies in Audiovisual Arts.
- "Body Parts project": on the agency of surgical leftovers (2017-present )
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Arte+Science Research Group, Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, Mexico (sabbatical leave, spring semester 2018-2019),
- Ectopia Experimental Art Lab, Lisbon, Portugal (sabbatical leave, spring semester 2018-2019),
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Arts Department (Troy, New York), EUA (sabbatical leave, spring semester 2018-2019),
- Participation at the "Summer School 2018 on Art, Biology and the Environment" by Cultivamos Cultura, Odemira, Portugal (summer 2018). - "Semiotics of Everyday Life project": issues on body and identity (2015-2017)
- Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon, Portugal (sabbatical leave, winter semester 2015-2016),
- University of Malta, Department of Gender Studies (Msida, MT) and Department of Anthropological Sciences, Malta (sabbatical leave, winter semester 2015-2016),
- Marist College, Media Arts Department, Media Studies and Production (Poughkeepsie NY), EUA (sabbatical leave, winter semester 2015-2016).
- Coordinator of the Node for Hybrid Arts at the Interactive Arts Lab (InArts Lab) - Ionian University (2017-present).
- Co-coordinator of the working group "Media and Image Perception", with Dr. Brenda Murphy (University of Malta), at the research program COST "Appearance matters: Tackling the Physical & Psychological Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance" (Action IS1210), (2013-2017).
- Co-coordinator of the program of the Audiovisual Arts Festival (2011, 2013-2014, 2016-2017) and the educational activities "AV-school" (2014-2016, 2020) and "Corfu Summer School in Hybrid Arts" (2017-2018).
- Co-curator of the festival FACTT 2021 with Marta de Menezes, Suzanne Anker, Roberta Buiani, Maria Antonia Gonzalez Valerio, Lena Lee, Joel Ong, Minerva Ortiz and Jo Wei.
- Co-curator with Marta de Menezes of the performance "BKFF 0.1" (2018) by Isabel Burr Raty, at Cultivamos Cultura, Odemira, Portugal.
- Co-facilitator with Marina Papasotiriou of the exhibition "Genus" (2018) with artwork by Rob Kesseler at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu, Greece.
- Co-curator with Marina Papasotiriou of the exhibition "Body ESC" (2017) with artwork by: Andrew Carnie (UK), Alkistis Georgiou (Greece), Marne Lucas (USA), Joseph Nechvatal (France), Kira O' Rilley & Manuel Vason (Finland & UK), Nikos Panayotopoulos (Greece), Ayse Gul Suter (Turkey), Hege Tapio (Norway) and Adam Zaretsky (USA) at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu, Greece.
- Curator of the exhibition "iGMO" (2016) with artwork by Adam Zaretsky at the Municipal Gallery of Corfu, Greece.
- "Summer School 2019 on Art, Biology and the Environment", Cultivamos Cultura, Odemira, Portugal (July 2019).
- A.I.R., Mothership NYC, USA (April 2019).
- "Summer School 2018 on Art, Biology and the Environment", Cultivamos Cultura, Odemira, Portugal (July 2018).
- "Summer School 2017 on Art, Biology and the Environment", Cultivamos Cultura, Odemira, Portugal (July 2017).
As author
- Mackenzie, Louise; Šebjanič, Robertina; Żyniewicz, Karolina; Burr Raty, Isabel; Honorato, Dalila. “Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down”. Artnodes, [online], 2021, Num. 27, [View: 4-02-2021]
- Honorato, Dalila, "The Symbolic Aesthetics of Shadow Play or the perseverance of puppet theater in the digital age", Y. Lang, G. Jianping and P. Feng (eds.), Diversities in Aesthetics: Selected Papers of the 18th Congress of International Aesthetics, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9787516129401.
- Honorato, Dalila, “Big, bad and ugly - the concept of 'the monster' in western culture”, Jale N. Erzen and Pelin Yoncaci (eds.), Aesthetics in Turkey: Turkish Congress of Aesthetics Proceedings, Ankara: SANART, 2007. ISBN: 9789944893091.
- Honorato, Dalila, Ethos & Pathos: virtue and stregth of human expressions (publication of PhD Dissertation, text in Greek), Athens: Fagottobooks, 2005. ISBN:960-7075-97-8.
As editor
- Dalila Honorato, Maria Antonia Gonzalez Valerio, Marta de Menezes and Andreas Gianakoulopoulos (eds), Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2018. Corfu: Department of Audio & Visual Arts - Ionian University, 2019. ISBN: 978-960-7260-65-9.
- Dalila Honorato (guest-editor), Roy Ascott (editor-in-chief),Technoetic Arts Journal, 16:3 (special issue peer-reviewed), Intellect, 2018. ISSN: 1477965X.
- Dalila Honorato and Andreas Gianakoulopoulos (eds.) Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017. Corfu: Department of Audio & Visual Arts - Ionian University, 2018. ISBN: 978-960-7260-60-4.
- Dalila Honorato (guest-editor), Roy Ascott (editor-in-chief),Technoetic Arts Journal, 15:2 (special issue peer-reviewed) Intellect, 2017. ISSN: 1477965X.
- Dalila Honorato and Andreas Gianakoulopoulos (eds.) Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2016. Corfu: Department of Audio & Visual Arts - Ionian University, 2017. ISBN: 978-960-7260-59-8.
- Dalila Honorato (ed.) Metamorphoses of Corporeality: Art-Body-Technology. Corfu: Department of Audio & Visual Arts - Ionian University, 2015. ISBN: 978-960-7260-54-3.
Other publications
- Podcast of the interview to the series "Biocollider" to the website Creative Disturbance (ArtSciLab, The University of Texas at Dallas) by Matej Vakul, 2020.
- Video of the interview to the series "Five Words for the Future" to the magazine Noema (Italy) by Pier Luigi Capucci, 2019.
- Video of the presentation "Uncanny Interdisciplinarity and Freak Collaboration" at the symposium "Arts based Research in Times of Climate Change", at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, 2019.
- Video of the presentation "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad CRISPR?" at the roundtable "Do CRISPR monsters dream of synthetic futures" at the University of Toronto, Canada, by ArtSci Salon, with the support of The Fields Institute, Mark S. Bonham Center for Sexual Diversity Studies, McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology & LASER - Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous (Leonardo/ISAST), FACTT and Cultivamos Cultura with Marta de Menezes, Mark Lipton and Karen L. Maxwell, 2018.
- Video of the interview at the short documentary "Conversations with Contemporary Philosophers" with Claude Mangion (University of Malta) and Neb Kujundzic (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada) by Pukar Mani Ray (Kathmandu, Nepal), 2016.
- Video of the presentation "Audiovisual Arts in Greece: creating meaning between media, science and society" at the International Symposium "disseminations – Media Cultural Practices for the Digital Age", organized by the Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Sciences, Germany, 2016.
- "Extravagant Bodies Festival", Official website Embassy of Portugal in Croatia.
- "Bioart: Marta De Menezes and Dalila Honorato", interview for Hudson Mohawk Magazine at The Sanctuary for Independent Media together with Marta de Menezes
- "Imagin(in)g Biologies", Official website The Stamps School of Art & Design - University of Michigan
- "Taboo - Transgression - Transcendence: Dalila Honorato", Official website EE -Experimental and Emerging Art
- "Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence. Mario Savini's interview with Dalila Honorato", Official website Postinterface Web Magazine
Photo credits: Tadeo Valencia