Stereo and Immersive Media 2016: Photography and Sound Research [27-29/10/16]

27-06-2016 12:06

The International Conference Stereo & Immersive Media’16 aims to gather researchers, artists, curators, and archivists working on visual and sound media renowned for their immersive features.

“Stereo” environments (stereoscopic and stereophonic) have been widening the fields of photography and sound since the 19th century, contributing to the emergence of a progressively immersive media culture. This conference aims to bring together photography and sound research fields and their relationship with stereo environments, including other immersive visual media (e.g. panoramas, optical displays or virtual games) as well as sound art practices.


Abstracts submission: July 22, 2016
Notification to authors: July 29
Full papers submission: November 25

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