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Acting seminars in Animation from Ph.D candidate Giorgos Nikopoulos

Acting seminars in Animation from Ph.D candidate Giorgos Nikopoulos

06-02-2014 15:45

Monday 2 and Monday 9 December 2013, at Aretaios Building, Room 3 from 16:00 to 19:00

Within the framework of the Interactive Arts Lab the Ph.D candidate Giorgos Nikopoulos will present a series of Seminars entitled “Elements of Acting in Animation”, which will be focused on rhythmic motion analogy and dramatic action.

Death and Video Art in the work of the Greek Artist Marianne Strapatsakis

Death and Video Art in the work of the Greek Artist Marianne Strapatsakis

06-02-2014 15:39

February 4 2014, 14:30

School of Science, University of Lisbon, Room 8.2.19

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